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Pionierkraft erhält Millionen-Finanzierung



Science4Life Alumni Pionierkraft hat eine Millionenfinanzierung erhalten. Damit möchte das Team weiter hart daran arbeiten, die Energiewende zu unterstützen und lokales Energy-Sharing als wichtigen Baustein dafür zu etablieren. Quelle:

Start des Businessplan-Wettbewerbs: Science4Life sucht smarte Geschäftsideen



Das Programm von Science4Life begleitet Start-ups in Life Sciences, Chemie und Energie von der Idee bis zum fertigen Businessplan. Wer sein eigenes Unternehmen starten möchte, kann seine Idee bis zum 22. Oktober 2021 beim Businessplan-Wettbewerb einreichen. Bei Science4Life wird aus der ersten Idee ein richtiger Business Case, bis heute sind bereits mehr als 1.300 Unternehmen mit Unterstützung von Science4Life gegründet worden. Am 1. September 2021 startet die neue Runde des Businessplan-Wettbewerbs, Gründungsinteressierte sowie Start-ups aus Life Sciences und Chemie können ihre Idee für den Science4Life Venture Cup einreichen. Energie-Start-ups sind eingeladen, sich für den Science4Life Energy Cup zu bewerben. Insgesamt stehen rund 85.000 Euro Preisgeld, Zugang zu einem Netzwerk aus über 300 Branchen-Experten sowie die Science4Life Academy mit Online-Seminaren, digitalen Events und vieles mehr auf dem Plan. Interessierte können sich bereits jetzt unter registrieren und ihre dreiseitige Ideenskizze für die erste Phase bis zum 22. Oktober 2021 einreichen. Jedes Team erhält ein ausführliches schriftliches Feedback von den Experten, aus dem die Stärken und Schwächen der Geschäftsidee hervorgehen. Die besten Teams werden zu dem digitalen Science4Life Academy-Day eingeladen – hier erhalten sie ein individuelles Coaching und haben die Gelegenheit, ihre Pläne in persönlichen Gesprächen mit Branchenexperten zu diskutieren und weiterzuentwickeln. Science4Life: Idee, Konzept und Businessplan „Das Jahr 2021 hat gezeigt, dass Start-ups auch in Krisensituationen die richtigen Voraussetzungen mitbringen, um schnell auf aktuelle Herausforderungen zu reagieren und wichtige Innovationen voranzutreiben“, erklärt Science4Life-Projektleiter Dr. Lutz Müller. Um Gründerteams bei allen Anforderungen ihrer jeweiligen Gründungsphase zielgerichtet zu unterstützen, gliedert sich der Businessplan-Wettbewerb in drei Phasen: Die erste Phase des Wettbewerbs konzentriert sich auf die Geschäftsidee und deren Marktpotenzial, so dass die Teams Chancen früh erkennen und ihre Strategie rechtzeitig anpassen können. In der zweiten Phase wird das Geschäftsmodell gemeinsam mit Branchen-Experten feinjustiert. In der dritten Phase beschreiben Start-ups das Geschäftsvorhaben im Detail und erarbeiten detaillierte Umsetzungspläne. Interessierte und Gründende haben die Möglichkeit, an allen oder nur an ausgewählten Phasen teilzunehmen.

Evonik acquires German biotech company JeNaCell to expand biomaterials portfolio for new medical device markets



Nanostructured biomaterial for wound dressings and dermatology to be integrated into Health Care business Evonik Venture Capital’s early investment in 2015 pays off Evonik aims to more than double the share of system solutions in Nutrition & Care by 2030 Essen, Germany. Evonik has acquired German biotech company JeNaCell. The acquisition expands Evonik’s biomaterials portfolio to provide biotechnologically derived cellulose. The natureidentical material developed by JeNaCell is used in medical technology and dermatology for the treatment of wounds and burns as well as in hydroactive skin care. The employees of JeNaCell will continue to work at the development and production site based in Jena, Germany. Evonik recognized JeNaCell's potential in 2015 and invested in the start-up through its own venture capital arm. Following the complete takeover, JeNaCell's portfolio will be integrated into Evonik's health care business. The company accelerates the portfolio shift of its Nutrition & Care division towards system solutions and expands the division-wide technology platform of natural materials for medical technology. The share of system solutions in Nutrition & Care is to be increased from 20 percent today to more than 50 percent by 2030. “JeNaCell has developed one of the most innovative biomaterials for medical device technologies. With the help of the creativity and expertise of JeNaCell's specialists, we will ensure that even more patients benefit from these products in the future,” said Thomas Riermeier, head of Evonik’s Health Care business line. “The acquisition will help us to further strengthen our position as an innovation hub for the world’s leading medical technology companies.” “The acquisition by Evonik is a quantum leap for JeNaCell to realize the full potential of our innovative technology,” said Dana Kralisch, Chief Executive Officer and co-founder of JeNaCell. “We are excited to have found a strong and trusted partner to develop our technology platform and a new home for our passionate team of experts. Together, we will expand our customer base and explore new application areas.” The acquisition confirms Evonik Venture Capital’s strategy of investing early in start-ups with visionary technology that are relevant to Evonik's innovation growth fields. “JeNaCell is a great example for the innovation strength and the value that startups can bring to corporations,” said Bernhard Mohr, head of Evonik Venture Capital. “We recognized the importance of the industry shift to nature-identical materials early on and are very happy to have supported the development of this technology with our investment.” JeNaCell began as a spinoff company from the Friedrich-SchillerUniversity of Jena in Germany. In 2017, the company launched its first product epicite, a medical wound dressing for the treatment of chronic wounds, surgical wounds and burns that is based on biotechnologically derived cellulose. It is a skin-friendly and soft biomaterial that provides a healing-promoting microclimate on the wound and can be removed painlessly. Further technologies developed by JeNaCell include soft tissue implants, transdermal delivery systems and dermatological applications. JeNaCell's product developments are complementary to the portfolio of Evonik's Health Care business, which is a leading global solutions provider for innovative materials for medical device and pharmaceutical markets. RESOMER®, now commercially available for more than 30 years, is the industry’s most comprehensive GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) portfolio of standard, custom and specialized bioresorbable polymers for use with implantable medical devices and pharmaceutical drug products. Press Contact: Evonik Industries AG Rellinghauser Straße 1-11 45128 Essen Germany Phone +49 201 177-01 Fax +49 201 177-3475  Company information Evonik is one of the world leaders in specialty chemicals. The company is active in more than 100 countries around the world and generated sales of €12.2 billion and an operating profit (adjusted EBITDA) of €1.91 billion in 2020. Evonik goes far beyond chemistry to create innovative, profitable and sustainable solutions for customers. More than 33,000 employees work together for a common purpose: We want to improve life today and tomorrow. About Nutrition & Care The focus of the business of the Nutrition & Care division is on health and quality of life. It develops differentiated solutions for active pharmaceutical ingredients, medical devices, nutrition for humans and animals, personal care, cosmetics, and household cleaning. In these resilient end markets, the division generated sales of around three billion euros in 2020 with about 5,300 employees. About Evonik Venture Capital With a fund size of €250 million, Evonik Venture Capital (EVC) has made more than 30 investments since 2012, both direct and fund investments. EVC has offices in Germany, the U.S.A. and China and invests in innovative technologies and disruptive business models in the fields of Nutrition & Care, Specialty Additives and Smart Materials, as well as enabling digital technologies. The EVC team of experienced investment managers provide portfolio companies comprehensive support. The investment scope ranges from early stage to growth stage with investment volume per portfolio company of up to €15 million. Disclaimer In so far as forecasts or expectations are expressed in this press release or where our statements concern the future, these forecasts, expectations or statements may involve known or unknown risks and uncertainties. Actual results or developments may vary, depending on changes in the operating environment. Neither Evonik Industries AG nor its group companies assume an obligation to update the forecasts, expectations or statements contained in this release.


Science4Life Abschlussprämierung, Das Team von AdaptX Systems mit Kaweh Mansoori und Dr. Jens Atzrodt, 300dpi, jpg, ©Science4Life
Science4Life Abschlussprämierung, Das Team von CeraSleeve mit Kaweh Mansoori und Dr. Jens Atzrodt, 300dpi, jpg, ©Science4Life
Science4Life Abschlussprämierung, Das Team von fiberior mit Kaweh Mansoori und Dr. Jens Atzrodt, 300dpi, jpg, ©Science4Life
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