Senodis Technologies completes € 1.5 Mio seed round


The Dresden-based (Germany) start-up Senodis Technologies GmbH successfully closed its seed financing round in February 2022. In addition to existing investor Fraunhofer Technologie Transfer Fonds (FTTF), High-Tech Gründerfonds (HTGF) and Technologiegründerfonds Sachsen (TGFS) are now also supporting the young company on its growth path. Senodis Technologies GmbH thus has excellent conditions for the roll-out of its digital component detection in the metal industry.

Dresden, 24.02.2022 – Senodis Technologies GmbH from Dresden has successfully completed a seed financing round. As an existing investor, Fraunhofer Technologie Transfer-Fonds (FTTF) is again supporting the Dresden-based company. The investment is led by High-Tech Gründerfonds (HTGF) as a new partner with Technologiegründerfonds Sachsen (TGFS) also as a new investor.

The investment of 1.5 million euros creates the basis for Senodis to establish Ceracode® in the market, a solution for the automated identification of hot-formed (automotive) metal components. The Ceracode® marking and identification solution is a key technology for track and trace applications in the metal and automotive industries. The process was developed by Senodis together with the Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies and Systems IKTS in Saxony and Thuringia and transferred to operational use in a pilot project with a leading global automotive manufacturer.

Individual component marking can be carried out with Ceracode® even under difficult production conditions such as temperatures above 800°C, metal deformation and pressing systems subject to metal abrasion and deposits. Senodis thus closes an essential technological gap for producers in the metal industry heading towards process digitization. In addition to tracking individual components in production, process parameters can now also be linked to individual components. This is the pivotal building block for digitizing and ultimately optimizing manufacturing processes.

In addition to the existing cooperation with a leading manufacturer of press-hardened automotive components, several manufacturers from other areas of metal processing have already expressed their interest in using the solution. The conditions for the targeted growth of Senodis Technologies GmbH are therefore promising.

“We are pleased about the confidence of the investors and feel confirmed that we can make a significant contribution to the digitization of a European core industry with our technology. With the investment, we will significantly strengthen the activities in the national and international marketing of our solutions. In addition, we can now open up new application areas within the metal industry for our component identification process,” explains Björn Erik Mai, co-founder and CEO of Senodis.

“Senodis offers industrial customers in metal processing a solution for individual component identification, enabling process transparency and tracking. The accompanying digitization and optimization of manufacturing processes will provide customers with a decisive competitive advantage. We are pleased to accompany Senodis on this journey,” says Dr. Nils Lang, Investment Manager at High-Tech Gründerfonds.

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