Hydrogenious LOHC Emirates launched in Abu Dhabi


Masdar City/Erlangen: Bringing together the right expertise, Emirates Specialized Contracting & Oilfield Services (ESCO) from the United Arab Emirates and the German Hydrogenious LOHC Technologies have recently formed a strong joint venture to realize viable hydrogen infrastructure out of the Middle East. Located in Abu Dhabi, Hydrogenious LOHC Emirates positions as the ideal on-site solution provider for hydrogen storage and transport at any distances and scale, with a product portfolio of liquid organic hydrogen carrier (LOHC) based hydrogenation and dehydrogenation turnkey plants, O&M and LOHC logistics services. In order to accelerate the hydrogen market ramp-up, the joint ventures will also develop joint benchmark projects with regional partners.

"Hydrogenious LOHC Emirates wants to source low-cost sustainable hydrogen from on-site and establish efficient LOHC-based supply chains for and to the predestined hydrogen demand countries worldwide. Among them will be Germany as key market of course, as it fits perfectly into the H2Global set-up. But we are also thinking about energy intensive destinations such as in Japan and South Korea," explains Dr Andreas Lehmann, who has been appointed CEO and is Head of Strategy at Hydrogenious LOHC Technologies.


"Hydrogen momentum in Middle East is significantly increasing, leading to LOHC lighthouse project opportunities to form consortia for intercontinental hydrogen transportation. Hydrogenious’ proprietary and ingenious LOHC technology allows for now establishing sustainable hydrogen value chains globally and ESCO stands for thinking outside the barrel. The engagement in the joint venture with the German Hydrogenious LOHC Technology is not only proof point for this but will also be a strong driver to unleash the power of hydrogen in the Arab world”, comments Karim Attie, CEO of ESCO and now also Managing Partner at Hydrogenious LOHC Emirates.

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The new managing partners of Hydrogenious LOHC Emirates (from left to right): Karim Attie (also CEO of ESCO, Rafael Schmidt(also Head of Business Development at Hydrogenious LOHC Technologies) and Jamal Al Ramahi (missing: Dr Andreas Lehmann, CEO of Hydrogenious LOHC Emirates and Head of Strategy of Hydrogenious LOHC Technologies). © Hydrogenious LOHC Emirates

About Emirates Specialized Contracting & Oilfield Services

"Thinking outside the barrel, bringing the right energy to drive superior performance." ESCO is committed to delivering reliable, high-quality packaged oilfield solutions with efficient execution. Founded on a culture of honesty, integrity and accountability, we are experts in the provision of Project Management, Operations Support and Offshore Consultancy Services including Inspections, Audits and Maintenance Operations. ESCO is one of the world’s leading providers of specialized, support services to the offshore oil & gas sector, leading in Aviation and Marine to support drilling, production, and processing. Our offerings combine domain expertise, best practices, safe and environmentally sound well- site operations, innovative technologies, and high- quality support aimed at helping our customers increase oilfield efficiency, lower production costs, improve productivity and maximize reservoir recovery. We continually look for new and innovative ways to maximize the value of our resources, implementing innovative technologies and approaches that enhance oil recovery, improve production efficiency and ensure we are able to continually meet the demands of the global energy market. ESCO leverages the skills that we’ve owned in oil and gas to support the development of low carbon and renewable energy infrastructure. We harness a range of digital technologies to help clients reduce their emissions and optimise their operational efficiency. www.escouae.com

About Hydrogenious LOHC Technologies GmbH

Hydrogenious LOHC Technologies adds the missing link to high-performing hydrogen value chains globally. Based on its proprietary and proven Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carrier (LOHC) technology with benzyl toluene as carrier medium, Hydrogenious LOHC allows for superior, flexible hydrogen supply to consumers in industry and mobility across the globe – utilizing conventional liquid-fuel infrastructure. The leading LOHC pioneer offers (de-)hydrogenation turnkey plants, Operation & Maintenance and LOHC logistics services – ensuring safe, easy and efficient hydrogen storage, transport and distribution. The German-based SME was awarded with i.a. “The Innovation Prize of the German Economy” and has been recognized on the "Global Cleantech 100" list since 2018 and as “Technology Pioneer 2021” by the World Economic Forum. With its >120 staff members and investors AP Ventures, Royal Vopak, Winkelmann Group, Mitsubishi Corporation, Covestro, JERA Americas, Temasek, Hyundai Motor Company, Chevron Technology Ventures and Pavilion Capital, the midstream player is a major enabler and accelerator for the energy transition. www.hydrogenious.net

Media Contact Hydrogenious LOHC

Birka Friedrich, Head of Marketing and Corporate Communications

birka.friedrich@hydrogenious.net   |   bf@hydrogenious.ae

Mobile: +49 (0)160 5619001

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