ChromoTek stellt neues Kit für Protein-Protein-Interaktionsanalyse vor


Martinsried, March 31th, 2014
ChromoTek GmbH (Marinsried, Germany) announces the launch of a new research assay for protein-protein interaction analysis in live mammalian cells, the Fluorescence Two-Hybrid (F2H®) Kit. This new product is the result of Chromotek's long experience with applying the F2H technology in PPI compound screening for pharmaceutical and biotech customers. The new kit format overcomes limitations of currently available methods and will fascinate biomedical scientists, who investigate protein-protein interactions (PPIs) by its ease of use.
ChromoTek’s F2H® Kit enables effortless analysis of interactions between any GFP- and RFP-tagged protein pairs in living mammalian cells by conventional fluorescence microscopy. It is a fast, simple and quantitative way to characterize PPIs in intracellular environment, screen for PPI inhibitors and evaluate their activity in real time. Unlike available complementation assays, such as split-YFP, F2H® is a fully reversible assay and therefore better suitable for testing PPI antagonists. In comparison to FRET assays, the ingeniously simple optical read-out of F2H® does not require sophisticated equipment, making it much more affordable and at the same time robust and reliable.
“Our mission is to create new superior tools for better research,” comments Dr. Kourosh Zolghadr, Head of R&D and inventor of the F2H® technology. “F2H® Kit completes our toolbox for protein interaction analysis, now covering both in vitro and in vivo approaches. Over 4000 customers worldwide use our GFP-Trap®, successfully analyzing PPIs biochemically. Today we launch the Kit allowing a straight-forward testing of PPIs in living cells by microscopy. Just like our GFP-Trap®, F2H® takes advantage of simple fusions to fluorescent proteins (GFP and RFP), which most cell biologists generate for their proteins of interest anyways. In a speedy one-step procedure, these chimeric constructs can be used for PPI analysis, both biochemically and now also intracellularly.”

GFP-Trap® and F2H® Kit save your time and resources. Within one single week you have your pilot experiments completed, and your PPI of interest is validated both in vitro and in vivo,” notes Dr. Larisa Yurlova, senior cell biology scientist at ChromoTek. “It also gives you great flexibility: With this toolbox, you can identify protein domains involved in the interaction, screen for intracellularly active inhibitors, visualize their activity and compare their kinetics, etc. There are numerous applications possible!”
For references and more information please follow the link:

About ChromoTek
ChromoTek products set new benchmarks in cellular research. Established in 2008 as a spin-off from Munich’s Ludwig Maximilian University, ChromoTek is located in Martinsried, Germany’s leading biotech cluster. ChromoTek develops and markets immunological and bioimaging reagents and cellular assays for biomedical research and drug discovery. These include the GFP-Trap® for rapid pull-down of GFP fusion proteins, GFP- and RFP-Booster for intensifying the fluorescence signal of GFP or RFP fusion proteins, Chromobody®-based live-cell assays for screening and compound validation, the F2H® assay for protein-protein interaction analysis in living mammalian cells, as well as a selection of conventional monoclonal antibodies. About 4000 customers from all over the world trust in ChromoTek products.

ChromoTek GmbH
Am Klopferspitz 19
82152 Martinsried

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